guitar quartet
Luc Vander Borght
Véronique Sulbout

Practising session in Nice!
We discover with emotion the pages of Beethoven and Schubert, wonderfully arranged by our Luc!! Thank you Luc!! Such a delight to be able to approach that music of the heart...

Take 4 Guitar Quartet new website soon available!!

New arrangements and transcriptions
Luc is currently working on our new project of program and CD "An die Musik" , dedicated to some masterpieces by the great classical composers : a homage to Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert! More details in our page "Programs"!

New recordings and videos - Working session mid-November in Tuscany

Such a pleasure to gather for T4 sessions between Brussels, Nice, Arezzo...not too bad indeed! 😀
For our latest videos, Tuscany was welcoming us with open arms! As usual, conviviality, joy, let alone legendary cuisine! But this time, no time to enjoy Arezzo, Florence, nor the beautiful Tuscan countryside! 😞 Just work...no time for kidding! (well, no, this is beyond control! 😉).
Discover soon the result throught the magic work of our dear video editor and sound expert Giorgio!!