guitar quartet
Luc Vander Borght
Véronique Sulbout

"Between a note and the next one, there is the sound that requires the most attention. That sound is the bridge between what has been and what is to be..."

Giorgio Albiani
He teaches guitar in Conservatorio Superiore ‘B.Maderna’ in Cesena and creates the D.I.M.A Accademia in Arezzo in Francesco Petrarca’s house,in the heart of a worldwide network of artistic institutions.
Giorgio Albiani surprises with his multi-faceted talent which expresses in varied musical genres : soloist, member of various ensembles, he is also a composer, a sound engineer and artistic director of musical events and festivals. He sits regularly in national and international jury commissions and gives masterclasses in Italy, France, Belgium, Argentina.
He composed soundtracks and multimedia works and was praised notably in Sweden ‘Lira Gillar’, in France ‘Bravo’, in Italy ‘Fbis’ and in Germany where he is nominated for the ‘Peer Raben Music Award’ at ‘Soundtrack Cologne 8.0 Festival 2011’.
He is a Prizewinner of various guitar international competitions and performs regularly as a soloist and in chamber music groups, such as DuotanGO, i Viulan (Disco d’argento EMI), Archi del Maderna, in USA, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Morocco, Chile, Argentina, Russia, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Former-Yougoslavia, Città del Vaticano. He took part in recordings and productions for EMI, Warner, BBC, Rai, Garzanti, Radio vaticana…
His teachers were Vincenzo Saldarelli, Florindo Baldissera, Leo Brouwer, Alvaro Company and Alberto Ponce. He graduated from Accademia Chigiana in Sienna, Ecole Normale de Musique in Paris and Conservatorio Superiore in Florence for composition, electronic music and multimedia.